Monday, November 1, 2010


Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

So, Halloween isn't quite as big here as in the States, probably because there is another holiday coming up, Guy Fawkes, that is bigger.  But in any place with a high concentration of students, any excuse to dress up is welcome.

Friday, a friend and I decided to go to Superhall at Churchill.  Apparently, this was a really big hall for the JCR, because it was the night they were announcing the theme of the Spring Ball (yes, I meant Spring, not May, Ball.  Churchill's is in February).  We were also a little late, which meant that we ended up sitting at the table reserved for the Spring Ball Committee.  Oops.  In case you were curious, the theme is 7 Deadly Sins.  I feel like it's prom all over again.

Ironically, even though Halloween isn't that big here, this is the first year in a long time that I've been able to come up with any sort of a costume.  We had a Halloween party in the MCR on Saturday night, so I even had some place to wear it to.  I'm also going to a formal at Sidney Sussex College tomorrow night, which is "fancy dress (i.e., costume)" so I think I'll wear it there as well.

Pictures of me in costume.  Can you guess who I was?

I was Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's!
Then, on Sunday, I went over to a friend's house to carve pumpkins and wait for trick or treaters.  Apparently, though, there are no little children near where they live, so no one came.   But we did end up with some amazing pumpkins:

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