Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Guy Fawkes

After my week of highly intense formal socializing, I, predictably, have gotten sick again.  However, this did not preclude me attending the fireworks for Guy Fawkes, in the rain, at night, on Friday.  Stupid decision?  Probably.  But I really like fireworks.

Guy Fawkes Night is a strange holiday.  Basically, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament.  But, because he wasn't able to..... we light fireworks to simulate the explosion?  It doesn't really make sense to me, but again, I really like fireworks.  As someone who has attended 4th of July fireworks in both NYC and Boston, I have high expectations.  Cambridge is a small town, and considering, I think the fireworks were pretty good.  There was also, apparently, a bonfire, but I guess I left before that.

The rest of the weekend was really relaxed, which is just how I like it.  Dinner with friends on Saturday night.  One of my friends expressed his frustration that he was never mentioned by name on this blog.  I reminded him that no one is, since I think it is kind of rude to talk about people in a relatively public space without asking their permission.  He suggested we use code names.  So, shout out to "Draco Gibraltar" (his suggestion, not mine...).

Sunday, a friend from Amherst was in town.  It was soooo nice to get to see her and hear how her life is going and what her experience of Cambridge was as a visitor.  I've been meeting so many new (and fantastic!) people here, but it was nice to spend some time with someone who's known me for a while.  Sadly, I was still sick, so I must not have been very much fun to hang out with!

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