Third and final formal of the week (I think I need to take it easy after all of these!): Peterhouse.
Peterhouse is the oldest college, founded in 1284. It is very small and is quite close to were I work, but I'd never been inside until tonight. In general, Peterhouse is a pretty conservative college. They have formal hall every night (whereas we only have it three times a week at Churchill), and students are required to wear gowns when they attend (we never have to). So, while really different, it was fun to get to experience a little bit of Medieval Cambridge.
Fun facts about Peterhouse:
1. It was the first college to have electricity, at the turn of the century. This apparently caused a ruckus with the laundresses who worked near the College, as dirt from the generator would soil their clean clothes.
2. It was the college of poet Thomas Gray ("Elegy Written in a Country Courtyard" anyone?) in the mid 18th century. Apparently, he was afraid of fire, and had an iron bar attached to his window and a rope and ladder so he could escape in the event of one. Other students thought this was hilarious, and one night, one yelled "fire," and Gray prepared to hastily exit his room in his nightclothes, until he saw it was a prank. When the Master refused to do anything about it, Gray moved across the street to Pembroke College.
3. Other notable Peterhouse alumni include:
Henry Cavendish: measured the density of water, and the first person to weigh the earth at six thousand million million million tons
Charles Babbage: invented the first mechanical computer
Sir Frank Whittle: invented the jet engine
Sir Christopher Cockerell: invented the hovercraft
The reason I was going to Peterhouse formal was because two of my friends, who incidentally are dating, incidentally happen to have the same birthday. But, Wednesday wasn't their birthday, it was their half birthday. So, instead of waiting until May and having a cheesy joint birthday party, they had a joint, two halves made a whole, birthday party. Since one of them lives in Peterhouse, he decided to host.
The Peterhouse coat of arms.
Inside the Hall, which is the only building that actually dates back to the 13th Century. It is lit only by candlelight and has part of the latin grace (I think...) written on the wall above High Table.
Oh yea, and they make their own wine too...
After dinner, we went on a "stroll" through the gardens, which ended up being more like a trek, especially as I was wearing heels that sunk into the ground. But it was still fun to see more of the college, and see the things that tourists wouldn't.
I've had a lot of fun going to formals at other colleges. It is nice to see how each college has it's own individual personality and traditions. Each one really is unique, which I think is a foreign concept to many of us from the States. I know I say this a lot, but I'm really lucky to have the Gates community, which allows me to have such a great network of friends in other colleges!