Or, circuits, rowing, and erging, oh my!
Boats are set for Michelmas term now, which means that not only can't I quit, things are also starting to get intense. For the first few weeks, it was chill: we rowed two days a week, and that was basically it. Now we have circuit training on Mondays, rowing Wednesday mornings, erging on Thursday, and rowing again on Sunday. I love being out on the water, and our boat is starting to get better (I sit at bow, or the back of the boat, so I can see the whole crew rowing, and we are so much more in synch than we used to be!) which is motivation to stick with all the land training, even though I haven't played a sport since freshman year of high school (and if you remember/ever knew what sport that was, we've been friends for a LONG time). It's good, because I want to get in shape and know I wouldn't do it by myself, and the team is really nice. All of the girls in my boat are great, and many of them are undergrads, so it's been a nice way to meet people outside of the MCR (i.e., people who aren't international students or graduate students). On Tuesday night, the Boat Club went on a pub crawl, which was fun, but I didn't quite enjoy as fully as possible because I had to row the next morning. It was great to get to see poeple in a more social environment. As someone put it, watching the girl in front of you move back and forth up the slide is not a great way to meet anyone, so I enjoyed it. I know many of you still dont believe that I row, so I'll try and take a picture the next time I'm at the boathouse (if it's nice, maybe this Sunday).
You mean the *front* of the boat! :) Took me forever to work that out in my head!