Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Night Highlights

Gosh it's been a long week.  I feel like, the busier I am, the less I write, and then I just get really prolific when I have a free moment, so get ready for lots of posts.

So, going back all the way to last Friday:

As it was the end of the week, I decided to celebrate by rejoining society after my long long illness.  First, we had happy hour at the institute, where you still have to pay for drinks, but they are A LOT cheaper than at a pub, and plus you get to get drunk in your workplace with your colleagues.  What could be better.  It was a lot of fun, particularly when i saw that they have a fooseball table with all of the players' heads replaced with photos of the PIs and model organisms.  When you're goalie is a C. elegans, how can you lose?

Then my friend and I decided to try out the Jewish life on campus by going to Chabad for Shabbat.  Now, I am not a big fan of Chabad in general.  I find all of the Lubavitcher stuff pretty freaky, and I never liked how pushy they were at Amherst.  But, I figured there was no harm in checking it out.  I kind of had mixed feelings about the evening.  It was, admittedly, kind of strange.  Like when the rabbi had his children start reciting facts about the week's parsha.  Or when he talked about meeting the Lubavitcher rebbe when he was 12 as the defining moment of his life. However, the food was good and we met some nice people, so all in all it was a mix of good and strange.  Don't think I'll be going back, but it was nice to try.  I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I totally miss Amherst Hillel!

After Shabbat, we went out with some friends to one of my least favorite pubs.  I dont think it has decided whether to be a pub or a club, because they have pub-like ambiance and seating, but club-like loud annoying music.  It was nice to see everyone, but I went home early.  So that hopefully gives you an idea of a typical Friday night here! I read an article recently that said that students double alcohol consumption when studying abroad.  I think that's fairly accurate.

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